Friday 30 January 2009


We started the day with the breakfast we had hoped for every other day of the trip. The table in the sunny breakfast room contained everything you could wish for from cereal and bread to cold meats and cheese through to extremely nice fruit cake. There was more than plenty to go round and we certainly got our money's worth.

The first part of the day was on cycle tracks through the Marais

Seeing the cows and birds together was lovely

We were then in lovely open countryside with far-reaching views

We passed through white stone villages but didn't find anywhere for our morning coffee stop. It wasn't really a problem though as we were enjoying the ride. It was another beautiful sunny day. We were just being so lucky with the weather it was unbelievable - we just hoped it would last another week. I'm sure the ride wouldn't have been so good in bad weather.

The 500km point

We were amazed how good we were still feeling on reaching this milestone. Although by the end of the day we were tired we weren't exhausted and were getting on the bike in the morning as fresh as the first day. Each day just felt like a series of little day rides.

We continued towards Mauze-sur-le-Mignan

We saw a sign for a supermarket in Mauze-sur-le-Mignan and although it was still quite early in the day decided to buy our picnic lunch while we had the opportunity as it was Sunday and we didn't know what was ahead of us in terms of shops or restaurants.

Not the most scenic of picnic spots but we were hungry

At least we found a bench to sit on

The afternoon's ride was through more open, rolling countryside

And past fields ...

... and fields of sunflowers

We spent ages looking at them and taking photos

On arrival at Saint Savinien I thought I heard folk music

We found a little fete where the local dance group were performing

It was a nice excuse to get off the bike and have a wander round for half an hour but at 4pm we decided we ought to get going again. I found the last 10km a bit of a struggle

I had a few "I have to get off the bike now" moments

But I prefer to call them photo opportunities

I was glad when we arrived at St. Porchaire

We received such a warm welcome from our lovely hosts for the evening. They fussed around us and helped us park the tandem in the garage. They asked if we would like a cold beer which Rob accepted.

I opted for the pool

As it was Sunday we had booked the table d'hotes as although we were in a small town we couldn't guarantee anything would be open. We ate in our hosts' kitchen with a pleasant couple from Belguim and chatted to them and our hosts about the trip. We were served a very nice home cooked meal although I left the table slightly hungry. Before we went up to bed our hosts very kindly got our washing off the line and hung it to dry in the kitchen overnight.

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