Monday 26 January 2009


It was our last day. This evening we would be at our house. Nothing could go wrong - we were near enough we could get a taxi if the worst came to the worst. We packed our panniers for the last time.

The tandem was waiting for us

We had a lovely breakfast with Leen and Peter

It was lovely sitting outside chatting to our new friends and watching Caramel the ginger kitten explore the terrace but we had a long day ahead of us and at 9.45am decided we must get getting. We said our goodbyes to Leen and Peter and promised to keep in touch and meet with them again some day in France.

The day started as it had on our second day all those kms ago with a hard push up the steep gravel drive.

We were rewarded with a sweeping hill down to the valley bottom

We followed undulating lanes to Mas D'Agenais

where we had our first coffee stop

Then it was back on the canal

We found a canal side restaurant at Buzet

An aquaduct took us over the river

It may be flat but it was getting boring

We were pleased when Agen came into view

We turned off the canal at Bon Encontre and went into the tea shop at Castelculier for a drink and cake before heading into the hills.

As we left the tea shop there were a few spots of rain. We hoped it wouldn't amount to much as our waterproofs were at the bottom of the pannier as we had not used them since Portsmouth. Luckily just when we were thinking we might have to dig them out it stopped.

We knew these roads so well

If we were in the car we would be home in half an hour

We had been to the bar at La Sauvetat on a day ride

We had previously talked about going over the hills to Lacour but decided to take the easy option and follow the main road.

Our lovely familiar countryside

We were getting closer

Beauville - we could walk from here if we had to

The sign says it all

We had considered going straight on to Montaigu to avoid the steepest hill to the village (and the nasty car-chasing dogs on the bottom road) but decided to take the shortest route, brave the dogs (which we didn't even see) and walk up our hill. As we cycled along our farmer neighbour passed us with a wave.

We will see Lacour any minute

There it is - our destination

We cycled along the valley road to the junction with the lane to Lacour whilst looking up at the village. I tried to work out what I was feeling - I wasn't tired and I didn't feel as if I had been tested to anywhere near the limit of my endurance which I suppose wasn't a bad thing - it was meant to be a holiday. I didn't feel as if I had been cycling for nearly a fortnight, I felt as if I was returning home from a long day ride.

We needed a drink before we tackled our hill

We knew that we wouldn't be able to climb to the top of our hill and when we saw a neighbour on his daily evening stroll we got off to say hello. He knew about our ride and was pleased that we had made it safely.

Even pushing up the hill was hard work - although we cycled the last few metres

Then we were there outside our house

Rob went inside to find the champagne we had put in the fridge for the occasion and I went over the road to book a table at our local restaurant. I saw some neighbours there and they were amazed that we had just arrived from England by bike. I was on such a high.

Bloody Hell! We've just cycled 923km from St. Malo to Lacour

We sat on our bench outside the house drinking our champagne while our ride was slowly beginning to sink in. I couldn't believe I had even contemplated it let alone completed it. It hadn't been that difficult it just felt like lots of day rides. I had enjoyed every second of it - everything had been perfect, the weather, the chambres d'hotes, the route, the people we met and above all the beautiful French countryside.

We joined our German neighbour at L'Ostal

It was lovely to be in Lacour and as we sat there outside our local restaurant looking across to our house it was the best view of the whole trip. We were home and I was really looking forward to a weeks holiday. I think I'd earned it!

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